I already have bought almost each device available for improving flexibility of legs. This stretching device does a great job in assisting with stretching harmstrings, especially if you are (as I was) inflexible. It allows anyone who is incapable to touch toes while standing up, to stretch on the ground where it is easier to hold stretch for longer. This gadget is better than stretching harmstrings by laying on back and pushing your legs on the wall. This device helped me just with front split, but did not help on the side split. Side split flexibility devices are best buy, but they cost at a few hundred dollars, but are worth every cent.
The device comes with two identically sized pieces that are easily put together. The straps glide around easily making it rapidly adaptable to every leg size, kid size also. Straps are very strong because they have nylon webbing. Looks like real professional did the job well.
Device comes together with a DVD lesson "Idealstretch" that is not as good quality as is device. They putted this beige teen stretching some 50 muscles in relaxing music, although it’s produced nicely. It is a simple helpful device that assists you with stretching harmstrings and possibly the gluts, and that is wwhole thing. BUY AT AMAZON NOW